The most junior executive officer outranked the senior engineer officer aboard ship. 在舰船上,级别最低的副舰长也位列级别最高的轮机官之上。
Bank of America's chief executive officer said his company will not need additional financial help from the government. 美洲银行执行长也表示,银行不需要政府额外的财政援助。
The company said Chief Executive Officer Lee Yoon-Woo would directly oversee the components division. 该公司称,首席执行长李润雨(leeyoon-woo)将直接负责零部件分部。
They appoint a chief executive officer ( CEO). 他们指定了一个首席执行官(chiefexecutiveofficer,CEO)。
Who is the Chief Executive Officer ( CEO)? 首席执行官是谁(CEO)?
Ron Sconyers, a retired Air Force brigadier general, is the chief executive officer of Physicians for Peace. RonSconyers是一位退役美国空军准将,同时他也是和平医师组织的主执行官。
He joined Dentsu fresh out of Keio University in1966 and assumed the role of chief executive officer this July. 高达佳1966年从庆应义塾大学(KeioUniversity)一毕业便加入了电通公司。他在今年7月接任了该公司首席执行长的职务。
China's laws require a fiduciary duty to a company by its directors or executive officer. 中国法律要求公司董事或高管承担受托责任。
You want me to be his executive officer? 你想我成为他的执行官?
The Chief Executive Officer ( CEO) of this corporation voted against the investment plan. 这个公司的首席执行官投票反对了该项投资计划。
This is Douglas Hale, our Chief Executive Officer. 这位是丽安。这位是道格拉斯·哈尔,我们的首席执行官。
The female CEO ( Chief Executive Officer) is a connoisseur of installation art. 那位女总裁(席执行长)个装置艺术的行家。
As President& Chief Executive Officer, Postolos oversees all facets of the organization's business operations. 作为总裁和CEO,波斯特洛斯掌管该组织商业运作的所有方面。
John Smith, the CEO ( Chief Executive Officer) of this company. 史密斯先生,本公司的首席执行官。
Maybe you could ask the CEO ( Chief Executive Officer) to condescend to him. 也许你可以请求CEO(首席官)对他摆出一副待以施恩的。
James B.Singerling is the Chief Executive Officer of the Club Managers Association of America. 詹姆士·B·辛格陵为美国俱乐部经理人协会的首席执行官。
The company hired several former Dell executives, including William Amelio as chief executive officer, to manage the new business. 该公司聘用了几位戴尔(dell)前高管来管理新业务,其中包括现任联想首席执行官的威廉阿梅里奥(williamamelio)。